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Texnologiyadan istifadə etməklə dil bacarıqlarının inkişafina necə kömək etmək olar.
31/07/2013 03:32
"Elektron hökumət” virtual məkanı, müasir texnologiyaların imkanlarından, dövlət orqanlarında informasiyalaşdırmanın yüksək səviyyəsindən istifadə edərək ölkə vətəndaşlarına göstərilən xidmətlərin keyfiyyətcə yeni formada təqdim edilməsinə xidmət edir.
“E-hökümət” layihəsi “Azərbaycan...
First FIFA World Cup Is Held In Uruguay
30/07/2013 20:51
30 July 1930
First FIFA World Cup Is Held In Uruguay
The final match of the first FIFA World Cup Football Championship is held in Montevideo, Uruguay
In 1930, the first FIFA World Cup Football (soccer) Championship was held in Uruguay, with the final match being played in the country's capital,...
Did you know
20/07/2013 21:07
Interesting Facts About English
in no particular order...
The most common letter in English is "e".
The most common vowel in English is "e", followed by "a".
The most common consonant in English is "r", followed by "t".
Every syllable in English must have a...
for parents
16/07/2013 02:10Sinif otağında qısa video kliplərin istifadəsinin tədqiqi.
13/07/2013 02:52
Yeniləşən Azərbaycanda təhsil islahatı uğurla həyata keçirilir. Təhsil islahatının prinsiplərinə uyğun olaraq,milli və bəşəri dəyərlər əsasında yeni pedaqoji texnologiyaların tətbiq edilməsi XXI əsrin qarşısına qoyduğu zərurətdən irəli gəlir.Təhsilin keyfiyyətinin yaxşılaşdırılması , cəmiyyət üçün...
10/07/2013 20:02
Azerbaijan has been following an independent foreign policy since gaining independence in 1991. This policy aims at the strengthening and development of the state system and the protection of the national interests of...
Study a Balance of the 4 Key Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing)
09/07/2013 03:14
Most students want to communicate better in English. If this is one of your goals, it is important to study a balance of the four major skills. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing are the main (macro) skills you need to communicate in any language. Being very good at...
Teaching Small Classes
08/07/2013 00:41
Teaching Small Classes
Most teachers would agree that teaching a small class comes with many benefits. Teachers can offer one-on-one assistance at times and are more likely to meet the individual needs of their students. Some teachers, however, find it quite challenging to keep their students...
Tongue Twisters
06/07/2013 02:48
A tongue-twister is a sequence of words that is difficult to pronounce quickly and correctly. Even native English speakers find the tongue-twisters on this page difficult to say quickly. Try them yourself. Try to say them as fast as possible, but correctly!
A proper copper coffee...
Learning Tips
05/07/2013 17:36
Conversation Starters
Here are a few useful phrases for starting conversations (informal).
How are you (doing) today? (how ya doin?)
How's it going? (This means "How are you?" not "Where are you going?")
Items: 31 - 40 of 43