International Children's Day 2014

01/06/2014 00:17

Children’s Day is a special event to honor and protect children around the world. This event was created in 1954 to protect children from long working hours and dangerous situation in the workplace as well as give every children chance to get education.

The United Nations General Assembly suggest all countries to celebrate Children’s Day on any appropriate day according to each country. Thus, different countries may observe different date of Children Day. Universal Children Day is celebrated on 20 November every year.

On October 1953, Children’s Day was celebrated for the first time in Geneva with International Union for Child Welfare as the sponsor. This Children’s 

Day celebration inspired United Nations General Assembly to observe Universal Children’s Day in 1954.

As the anniversary of the adoption of 
Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 20 November was then chosen as the observance date of Children’s Day every year. Nowadays, Children’s Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries even though the date of Children’s Day observance varies in each country. In South Africa, Children's Day is observed on the first Saturday in November.