Teach English
In this Teach English section you'll find materials and pages designed to help in your teaching. Don't forget, there are also many resources in Learn English that will be useful for teachers.
Teaching Tips
Using Music in the ESL Classroom
Music is the universal language of mankind.
When students make a major breakthrough in learning, it is music to a teacher's ears. There is nothing more rewarding for a teacher, than seeing their students smile and laugh while they learn. The same can be said for students. Students who are taught in a fun and creative way, love coming to class. Using music in the classroom is a great way for teachers to achieve success with L2 learners.
Online Materials and Resources
These music resources offer numerous ideas and tips for using music in the classroom.
Engrade is unifying education.
Some Russian educational links
Online ingilis dili dərsi
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https://www.toefl.ru/ — TOEFL proqramı üzrə imtahana hazırlıq
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